DigiMe Timeline
Equipment for the Making Workshop
The equipment for the making workshop “Coding with the micro:bit” has arrived.
Under the motto “Making” participants will learn how to use the micro:bit in combination with sensors, displays, servos and electronics for creative projects.
For more information about the coding workshops for teachers visit our website: digime.europabuero.wien
Long-term pupils project in Znaim (CZ)
The teaching aids were designed as part of a long-term pupils project of the school ZŠ nám. Republiky in Znojmo, Czech Republic – Printing of the teaching aids on a 3D printer. In order for pupils to be able to create a 3D model using design programs, they first had to master the issue of the teaching aid. Thanks to the new equipment, a 3D printer, they were able to transform the 3D model into a real form, and at the same time create more copies for easier application of the teaching aid in the class. Pupils were able to present teaching aids (the cube, the map and the letters) to their classmates, thus proving that they handle the topic very well.
DigiMe YouTube Channel
Our project has its own YouTube Channel! You can find there tutorials, project documentation and videos made by pupils from Austria and the Czech Republic who are implementing coding projects.
Coding equipment delivery
Selected project schools in the South Moravia region can look forward to new equipment that they have received as part of the DigiMe project for the implementation of their long-term school projects to promote digital competences.
The photos show the pupils of the elementary school in Dubňany. The name of their school project is “School Recording Studio – School Editing”.