Vysočina Education

Vysočina Education was founded by the Vysočina Region, it is an institution with support activities for schools and regional government.
The organization cooperates with many institutions abroad and is involved in various project as an expert body, for example describing and building networks for adult education, improving systems for vocational education etc.
The institution is also involved in ESF projects connected with inclusion, mentoring at schools and new methods for schools. Vysočina Education deals with topics like a role of a teacher, self-evaluation of schools, quality issues at schools and leadership. The institution has departments in all districts in the Vysočina region. All employees are experienced in the field of dissemination.
There are currently 11 full time employees and more than 100 external workers in various fields in school development. Vysočina Education performs regionally and nationally, employees are involved in national boards concerning career guidance, leadership at schools, mentoring and digital education.
The DigiMe project is a great chance to develop ideas in digital education and to focus more on personal development of teachers and learners. It gives them chance to enhance digital competences, share information and develop pedagogical methods for digital world 2020+.