
Capital Cities Task Capital Cities Program your microbit so that a European capital is randomly displayed each time you press a button. Alternately with a teammate, you try to guess the right country. For each correct hit you can write down one point. The player who has the most points [...]

By |2021-12-09T09:50:10+00:00January 28th, 2021|Geographie, Tutorials|0 Comments

Brettspiel Politik

Board game politics Task Program a cube with the help of the microbits for the board game Politics. Bei jedem Tastendruck erscheint am Display per Zufall eine Zahl von 1 bis 6. Optionally, you can also have the number displayed. Aufgabenstellung Program the microbit (as shown [...]

By |2021-12-09T09:17:37+00:00January 28th, 2021|Politik & Geschichte, Tutorials|0 Comments

Stadt Land Fluss

cities - Countries - Rivers Task cities Countries Rivers The aim of this task is to program a digital version of the well-known city - country - river game. A random letter appears on the display each time a key is pressed. Try to find a city, a country and [...]

By |2021-09-21T08:48:37+00:00January 28th, 2021|Geographie, Tutorials|0 Comments


Level converter Function and use of a level converter What is a level converter and what is its purpose? Where is it used and are there alternatives in some situations? All this is explained in the following worksheet.

By |2022-04-20T11:00:46+00:00June 21st, 2020|Elektronik, Theorie, Tutorials|0 Comments

Map Funktion

Map Funktion Function and use of the map function The map function makes programming considerably easier and saves a lot of work. However, what is the map function? And in which program sections is it used? All this is explained in the following worksheet. [...]

By |2022-04-20T10:30:02+00:00June 21st, 2020|Theorie, Tutorials|0 Comments


Voltage divider Function and use of a voltage divider What is a voltage divider and where is it used? The following worksheet explains the properties of a voltage divider, which can be used in your own circuits, and how the necessary values for this can be determined. [...]

By |2022-04-20T09:27:28+00:00June 21st, 2020|Elektronik, Theorie, Tutorials|0 Comments


Ventilator Assignment Use the Micro Bit and the Inventor's Kit to build a fan circuit. This circuit serves as radio receiver, and a second Micro Bit as radio transmitter. If the button at the receiver is pressed, the fan of the receiver circuit is switched on. Additionally, the follow-up time [...]

By |2022-05-18T10:50:11+00:00June 21st, 2020|Elektronik, Inventors Kit, Tutorials|0 Comments
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